
Detached Housing in Pyeongchang-dong, Seoul

Module : CIGS Flexible Module Capacity : 3kW 등록일 2023. 08. 08

Detached Housing in Pyeongchang-dong, Seoul [첨부 이미지1]
Detached Housing in Pyeongchang-dong, Seoul [첨부 이미지2]
Detached Housing in Pyeongchang-dong, Seoul [첨부 이미지3]
Detached Housing in Pyeongchang-dong, Seoul [첨부 이미지4]
Detached Housing in Pyeongchang-dong, Seoul [첨부 이미지5]

CIGS flexible module of 3 Kw was constructed on the stone roof.
Good job, field team who made great effort in the hot weather.