
Constructed vinyl house integrated photovoltaic generation

Module : Si Flex Module Capacity : 30kW 등록일 2022. 12. 30

Constructed vinyl house integrated photovoltaic generation [첨부 이미지1]
Constructed vinyl house integrated photovoltaic generation [첨부 이미지2]
Constructed vinyl house integrated photovoltaic generation [첨부 이미지3]
Constructed vinyl house integrated photovoltaic generation [첨부 이미지4]
Constructed vinyl house integrated photovoltaic generation [첨부 이미지5]

Constructed vinyl house integrated photovoltaic generation in Gimcheon-si, Gyeongbuk

Selected for Gyeongbuk support project,
constructed the link type vinyl house integrated photovoltaic power generation system for the first time in our country